Thank you for 2021


About this time last year, I was saying that it had been an exceptionally eventful year.  Little did we know how 2021 was going to go!  On top of the global challenges that the year has thrown at all of us, CMO has added two brilliant businesses to the group, Total Tiles which completed 31st December 2020 and more recently JTM Plumbing which joined the group at the end of September.  We also successfully launched the business on the London Stock Exchange in July, being widely considered the most successful float on AIM of 2021.

We could not have achieved any of this without all our dedicated and hard-working staff, our supply partners who have consistently gone the extra mile to support us during a perfect storm of challenges, and our amazing customers who have continued to support the business throughout.  Many thanks to those who decided to go online for their building materials for the first time this year, and of course to our loyal customers, some of whom have bought from us every year since we took our first order in 2009. Once again, thank you all.

Total Tiles award win

This was also another year of industry award successes where we won Best E-Commerce Website/App at The Tile Association Awards for our Total Tiles store. We were also shortlisted for Customer Feedback Strategy at the Institute of Customer Services, narrowly missing out to O2, and Large Business of the Year in the South West.

Alongside our commercial success, we very much want to consider our impact on the environment.  We’re so proud to have launched CM Grow and to have partnered with the charity Trees for Cities who are the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities. Our goal is to plant 5,000 indigenous trees in 2 years, and because of the incredible fundraising efforts from our customers, suppliers, and staff I’m pleased to report that we are able to plant the first half of this target early next year in the City of Plymouth. We are very much looking forward to watching them grow.

We’re constantly striving to support our customers better through offering an ever increasing range of great products, a great user experience and a professional and friendly ear when needed.  Everyone in the business, whether the Sales and Customer Service teams, the Brand team or me, would love to hear from you with any ideas about how we can support you even better.

Leaving the best until last, I would like to wish you all the very best for the next few days until the big event, and from all of us here at CMO a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year!  I very much hope you get to spend it safely with family and friends, and I look forward to next year with optimism.

Best wishes,

Sue Packer, Chief Operating Officer